RSLogger Module
Micro USB:
for 5VDC power (from USB port or charger) and USB VirtualCOM port modes
USB Mass Storage port
– main supply voltage input
(5-24VDC accepted for Industrial version, 5VDC only for Eco version)
– main ground and RS232 ground terminals (notice the both ground pins are internally shorted)
- RS232 link channel B (RX) input
- RS232 link channel A (TX) input
– general purpose input/output ports (to be adapted to the target implementation if more features or control
are needed, please contact us in case of any requirements). The default GPIO1 and GPIO2 functionality for RSLogger
module is the “back to factory default” function described in the “
Back to factory default firmware & settings
” chapter.
RED LED indicator:
USB Mass Storage status indicator. Avoid disconnecting of the Mass Storage during read/write
operation! LED ON: when Mass storage connected, LED blinks while read/write. LED OFF when no drive detected.
GREEN LED indicator:
system status indicator for devices without OLED display. LED ON as a power-on indicator,
LED blinks fast while actual RS232 data recording to internal flash memory, LED blinks slow during back to factory
default reset procedure.
Mouting flange
– use this flange and M2 screws to fix your RSLogger module on target position, if not needed it’s
possible to breake-out the flange as it’s v-scored.
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