Please refer to
parameter description (page 23) to set the output files into the
HEX mode
every byte is represented by pair of HEX digits instead of one binary ASCII symbol. Timestamps and channel marks
would be still written in ASCII. The HEX bytes are separated with SPACE. Here is the example:
File 170626AB.TXT
P12:30:00.732A 47 56 37 47 F5 16 47 56 37 47 F5 16
P12:30:26.723B 37 56 47 4B F5 A6 47 56 C7 47
Time stamp format
The time stamp format is A/PHH.MM.SS.mmm (A/P – AM/PM, H-hour, M-minute, S-second, m-milisecond) like shown
on following examples:
A11:59:59.123 for
11:59:59.123 AM
P 5:59:59.123 for
Option Timestamp = 1
(available for CHANNELMODE=1 and CHANNELMODE=2)
Every byte has it’s own time stamp.
File 170626A.TXT
File 170626B.TXT
A11:59:59.123 X
P 5:59:59.124 1
P 5:59:59.129 2
A11:59:59.125 y
P 5:59:59.127 Z
P 5:59:59.128 3
Option Timestamp = 2
(available only for CHANNELMODE=1 only)
Timestamps are available on active channel switch (common A+B file mode only).
File 170626AB.TXT
A1:02:34.851A Channel A data
A1:02:45.440B Channel B data
A1:02:47.431A Channel A data
Option Timestamp = delay
(available for CHANNELMODE=1 and CHANNELMODE=2)
Delay = 1000 + S, where S is delay expressed in seconds [range of 1 – 43200]. Time stamps marks maximum
frequency is set by delay parameter. Timestamp would appear every S seconds, corrected by the actual data byte
[ms] precision timestamp. Timestamps are asynchronous for channel A and B (CHANNELMODE=2). Time stamp mark
would be stamped on every active channel switch (CHANNELMODE=1). Timestamp with programmed delay would
not appear in the log file if there is no data flow. It would appear for new data only if delay between previous and
current data is greater than programmed delay = S. New timestamp delay settings can be also applied to the data
already stored in internal memory by changing the delay parameter and deleting the Memory.map file.
File 170626AB.TXT for TimeStamp delay set to 2s
A1:02:32.851A Channel A dataChannel A data
A1:02:34.440A Channel A dataChannel A data
A1:02:36.645A Channel A dataChannel A data
A1:02:37.431B Channel B data
Time stamping can be disabled by CONFIG.INI option. Both the data representation and time stamp format may be
changed on demand by customized firmware release. Please contact RSLogger Team or distributor for pricing details.
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