Chapter 3 Remote Control
SCPI Commands can be used to conduct remote control on the
RSPD3303C Power Supply through the USBTMC. To utilise the
remote control, the installation of EasyPower or NI
Measurement &
software is required prior to connecting the
instrument with a USB cable.
Command List
1. *IDN?
2. *SAV
3. *RCL
4. INSTrument {CH1|CH2}
5. INSTrument ?
6. MEASure:CURRent?
7. MEAsure:VOLTage?
8. [SOURce:]CURRent <current>
9. [SOURce:]CURRent ?
10. [SOURce:]VOLTage <volt>
11. [SOURce:] VOLTage?
12. OUTPut
13. OUTPut:TRACk
14. SYSTem:ERRor?
15. SYSTem:VERSion?
16. SYSTem: STATus?