WiFlyGSX-um 9/16/2010
809 University Avenue
Los Gatos, CA 95032
Tel (408) 395-6539
~ 18 ~
set time port <num>
sets the time server port number. Defaults to 123 which is almost always
the sNTP server port.
set time enable <value>
Enable or disable fetching time from the specified sNTP time server.
Default=0= disabled. A value or 1 gets time only once on power up. Any
value > 1 gets time continuously every <value> minutes.
UART Parameters
set uart baud <rate>
set the UART baud rate. Valid settings are {2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,
38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800, 921600}.
Example : “set u b 9600” sets the baud rate to 9600 baud.
NOTE: the RS232 interface on the RN-134 does not work above 230400
set uart instant <rate>
This immediately changes the baudrate. This is useful when testing baudrate
settings, or switching baudrate “on the fly” remotely while connected over
TCP. This setting does not affect configuration. Returns the AOK
response, and then this command will exit command mode.
set uart raw <rate>
sets a RAW UART value. Used to set non-standard rates. The lowest
possible baud rate is 2400.
Example : “set u r 7200” sets the baud rate to 7200 baud.
set uart flow <0,1>
sets the flow control mode. Default=0=off, 1= hardware RTS/CTS.
NOTE: once flow control is enabled, it is important to properly
Drive the CTS pin (active LOW enabled)
If CTS is HIGH, data will
NOT be sent out the UART, and further configuration in command mode
will be problematic as no response will be received.
set uart mode <mask>
sets the UART mode register. This is a bit-mapped value.
Bit Position Function
NOECHO - disables echo of RX data while in
command mode
DATA TRIGGER makes connection on RX data
RAW mode (TCP stack disabled )
Enable Sleep on RX BREAK signal
UART RX data buffer. See note below for details*
When a TCP connection is closed, currently if there is RX data in the UART receiver, it is held