WiFlyGSX-um 9/16/2010
809 University Avenue
Los Gatos, CA 95032
Tel (408) 395-6539
~ 26 ~
scan <time> <P>
Performs an active probe scan of access points on all 13 channels. Returns
MAC address, signal strength, SSID name, security mode.
Default scan time is 200ms / channel = about 3 seconds.
time is
an optional parameter, this is the time in ms per channel.
For example, “scan 30” reduces the total scan time down to about 1
second. This command also works in Adhoc mode. If the optional
parameter is entered, the module will perform a passive scan, and list all
APs that are seen in passive mode.
Puts the module to sleep mode. The module can come out of sleep mode
by either sending characters over the uart or by using the wake timer.
Sets the Real time clock by synchronizing with the time server specified
with the time server parameters (see section 5.9) This command sends a
UDP time server request packet.
File IO Commands
del <name> <num>
Deletes a file. Optional <num> will override the name and use the sector
number shown in the “ls” command.
load <name>
Reads in a new config file.
Displays the files in the system
Saves the configuration to “config” (the default file).
save <name>
Saves the configuration data to a new file name
boot image <num>
Makes file <num> the new boot image.
ftp get <name>
Retrieves a file from the remote FTP server. If <name> not specified, the
stored ftp filename is used.
ftp update <name>
Deletes the backup image, retrieves new image and updates the boot