8 Configuration
Installer reference guide
RRLQ004~008CA + RHBH/X04+08CB
ROTEX HPSU low temperature Bi‑bloc
4P384979-1C – 2017.04
10°C~35°C (default: 20°C)
The same setting is also used in
automatic heating/cooling changeover.
Automatic heating/cooling changeover
ONLY applicable for RHBX and RHVX. The end-user sets the
desired operation mode on the user interface: Heating, Cooling or
Automatic (see also operation manual/user reference guide). When
Automatic is selected, the changing of the operation mode is based
▪ Monthly allowance for heating and/or cooling: the end-user
indicates on a monthly base which operation is allowed ([7.5]: both
heating/cooling or heating ONLY or cooling ONLY). If the allowed
operation mode changes to cooling ONLY, the operation mode
changes to cooling. If the allowed operation mode changes to
heating ONLY, the operation mode changes to heating.
▪ Averaged outdoor temperature: the operation mode will be
changed in order to ALWAYS be within range determined by the
space heating OFF temperature for heating and the space cooling
On temperature for cooling. If the outdoor temperature drops, the
operation mode switches to heating and vice versa. Note that the
"8 Configuration" on page 45
When the outdoor temperature is between the space cooling On and
the space heating OFF temperature, the operation mode remains
unchanged unless the system is configured in room thermostat
control with one leaving water temperature zone and quick heat
emitters. In that case, the operation mode will change based on:
▪ Measured indoor temperature: besides the heating and the
cooling desired room temperature, the installer sets a hysteresis
value (e.g. when in heating, this value is related to the desired
cooling temperature) and an offset value (e.g. when in heating,
this value is related to the desired heating temperature). Example:
the desired room temperature in heating is 22°C and in cooling
24°C, with a hysteresis value of 1°C and an offset of 4°C.
Changeover from heating to cooling will occur when the room
temperature rises above the maximum of the desired cooling
temperature added by the hysteresis value (thus 25°C) and the
desired heating temperature added by the offset value (thus
26°C). Oppositely, changeover from cooling to heating will occur
when the room temperature drops below the minimum of the
desired heating temperature subtracted by the hysteresis value
(thus 21°C) and the desired cooling temperature subtracted by the
offset value (thus 20°C).
▪ Guard timer to prevent too frequent changing from heating to
cooling and vice versa.
Changeover settings related to the outdoor temperature (ONLY
when automatic is selected):
Space heating OFF temp. If the outdoor
temperature rises above this value, the
operation mode will change to cooling:
▪ RHBH/X04+08 and RHVH/X04+08:
14°C~35°C (default: 25°C)
▪ RHBH/X11+16 and RHVH/X11+16:
14°C~35°C (default: 35°C)
Space cooling On temp. If the outdoor
temperature drops below this value, the
operation mode will change to heating:
Range: 10°C~35°C (default: 20°C)
Changeover settings related to the indoor temperature. ONLY
applicable when Automatic is selected and the system is configured
in room thermostat control with 1 leaving water temperature zone
and quick heat emitters.
Hysteresis: Ensures that changeover is
ONLY done when necessary.
The space operation mode ONLY
changes from cooling to heating when
the room temperature drops below the
desired heating temperature subtracted
by the hysteresis.
Range: 1°C~10°C, step 0.5°C (default:
Offset: Ensures that the active desired
room temperature can be reached.
Example: if heating to cooling
changeover would occur below the
desired room temperature in heating, this
desired room temperature could never
be reached.
Range: 1°C~10°C, step 0.5°C (default:
Domestic hot water control: advanced
Preset tank temperatures
Only applicable when domestic hot water preparation is scheduled
or sch reheat.
You can define preset tank temperatures:
▪ storage economic
▪ storage comfort
▪ reheat
▪ reheat hysteresis
Preset values make it easy to use the same value in the schedule. If
you later want to change the value, you only have to do it in 1 place
(see also operation manual and/or user reference guide).
Storage comfort
When programming the schedule, you can make use of the tank
temperatures set as preset values. The tank will then heat up until
these setpoint temperatures have been reached. Additionally, a
storage stop can be programmed. This feature puts a stop to tank
heating even if the setpoint has NOT been reached. Only program a
storage stop when tank heating is absolutely undesirable.
30°C~[6‑0E]°C (default: 60°C)
Storage eco
The storage economic temperature denotes the lower desired tank
temperature. It is the desired temperature when a storage economic
action is scheduled (preferably during day).
30°C~min(50, [6‑0E])°C (default: 45°C)
The desired reheat tank temperature is used:
▪ in reheat mode of scheduled + reheat mode: The guaranteed
minimum tank temperature is set by T
–[6‑08], which is either
[6‑0C] or the weather dependent setpoint, minus the reheat
hysteresis. If the tank temperature drops below this value, the tank
is heated up.