Parameter settings
FA ROTEX HPSU compact 308 - 02/2012
4.2.2 Parameter description
[0] - Access authority
If required, certain buttons on the main control unit (HPR1) can be made unavailable to the user.
Three stages of Access authority are defined (Default settings see tab. 4 -1). Setting the Access authority must be carried out
as follows:
• Check whether the HPSU compact runs in normal operation, if necessary activate normal operation.
• Change to the mode "Parameter setting" and there, select the parameter [0-00] (see chapter 4.2.1).
The icon
and the current parameter code [0-00] are displayed on the user interface display.
• Use the
keys to select authorisation level 2 or 3.
– The factory setting is authorisation level 1.
– The authorisation level can only be changed in the following steps:
1 -> 2 or 2 -> 1
1 -> 3 or 3 -> 1
• Press the
key to save the selected authorisation level.
• Press key
to leave parameter setting.
The system is in normal operation again.
• Press the
keys simultaneously and hold them down for at least 5 s.
The change is not acknowledged on the main control unit (HPR1) display.
Access authorisation is now active. If you press a blocked key
is shown.
Resetting the access authorisation:
Press the
keys simultaneously
and hold them down for at least
5 s
Reset only works if the system is in normal operation.
Stage Access authority
Low-noise operation
no access
no access
Weather-dependent set value regulation
no access
no access
Activate, deactivate program clock
no access
no access
no access
Time setting
no access
no access
Test operation
no access
no access
Tab. 4 -1 Authorisation levels for keys on the main control unit (HPR1)
[1] - Weather-dependent set value regulation
The target settings in the parameter settings determine the specified values to be attained in weather-dependent operation.
If the "Weather-dependent set value regulation" is active, the flow temperature is determined automatically depending on the
outside temperature: Colder outside temperatures result in warmer water and vice versa. During "Weather-dependent set value
regulation", the user can adjust the target flow temperature by a maximum of 5 °C up or down.
The following setting options are available:
– [1-00] Lowest ambient temperature (Lo_A): Lowest outside temperature.
– [1-01] Highest ambient temperature (Hi_A): Highest outside temperature.
– [1-02] Target value at lowest ambient temperature:
Target temperature at water outlet of the interior heat pump unit (HPSU compact) if the outside temperature is equal to or
falls below the lowest ambient temperature (Lo_A).
– [1-03] Target value at highest ambient temperature:
Target temperature at water outlet of the interior heat pump unit (HPSU compact) if the outside temperature is equal to or
increases above the highest ambient temperature (Hi_A).