Partial Ear,
Cutout Towards
Outter Arm
End of Arm
End of Arm
Tab Towards
Outter Arm
NOTE: Pin & Ring, Spring, & Gear Block are all pre-
Assemble adapters into arms (800 Series only):
For RA and truck adapters, slide adapter insert into end of
inner arm. Place adapter through slot in inner arm and into
adapter insert.
For flip-up adapters, place load plate onto inner arm with
stop on bottom in the inner arm slot and towards the end
of the arm. Slide adapter insert into end of inner arm
and line up with hole in load plate. Orient small hole in
adapter insert so it runs the length of the arm and you
can see it when looking in the end of arm. Slide large pin
from adapter assembly through the load plate and into the
adapter insert lining up the holes in the pin and the insert.
Install the retaining pin through the adapter insert and pin
pushing it in until the head or pin hits the insert. Swivel the
entire assembly around 180° and install the cotter pin, Fig
Note: Load plate with partial ears are used on A10 front
C) Install left latch cover using 5/16-18NC x 3/8” lg PHMS.
20. Pressure Test: Run lift to full rise and keep motor
running for 5 seconds. Stop and check all hose
connections. Tighten or reseal if required. Repeat air
bleeding of cylinders.
21. Equalizer Cable Adjustment: Raise lift to check
equalizer cable tension. Below carriage, grasp adjacent
cables between thumb and forefinger, with about 15 lbs.
effort you should just pull the cables together. Adjust at
upper tie-offs Fig. 15.
22. Latch Release Decal: Install latch release decal on
cover above latch release handle, Fig. 26.
23. Pinch Point Decal Location: Install enclosed pinch
point decals. Place (1) decal on each column, Fig. 27.
Decals should be a minimum of 8” (20.3 cm) from the
bottom of decal to the ground.
24. Wheel Spotting Dish: Position wheel spotting dish as
illustrated in Fig. 1a or 1b. Drill (2) 3/8” holes 2-1/2”
(64 mm) deep in concrete floor using holes in wheel
spotting dish as guide. Drive both anchors, provided, into
concrete to secure dish.
25. Upon completion of the assembly of the lift, the lift is
to be operated to assure proper function. Observe for
locks operating in all locking positions, each side lifts
equally, hydraulics do not leak, all electrical controls
function as labeled, all pneumatics are functional and leak
free, ramps rotate freely (if applicable), and proper
clearances with all items in bay have been maintained.
Operate the lift with a typical vehicle and observe
to assure the same items for proper functioning.
18. Door Bumper Installation:
A) Press long bumper on column edge, Fig. 25.
B) Press short bumper on top edge of carriage tube, Fig.
19. Latch Cable Adjustment:
A) Check to make sure the latch will properly engage and
release the latch handle. A 1/8”
(3mm) gap between the top of the latch dog and the
column is allowable.
B) When raising, listen to latches to be sure that both
latch dogs fall into latch slots. If they do not, loosen
clamp and adjust tension as necessary.
Fig. 24c