Device functions
Version 2
Page 63
Lit continuously:
A fault is preventing the system from starting (error codes 101…103, 107, 108, 201…203, 304, 307, 308, 9xx).
As a rule, this refers to an external wiring fault.
Alarm relay (relay contact terminals 12+13+14):
This relay is set at the factory as follows:
in operating states A.1 and A.2 but energized if a START signal is present in one of these
in operating state A.3.
If the alarm relay has the opposite configuration to the factory setting (
tion of the rotary coding switch for the IP address" on page 16), these states are reversed.
Error code indicated via the EtherNet/IP
If an error occurs, the AL bit is set and possibly also the WA bit. The error code is contained in the third word at
bit positions 0…9 (
section 8.6.12 "Error codes" on page 28).
Error code indicated via the actual value output 0…10 VDC (terminals 17+18):
Since a temperature indication is no longer necessary if a fault occurs, the actual value output is used to display
error messages whenever a fault is signaled.
Thirteen voltage levels are available for this purpose in the 0…10 VDC range, each of which is assigned an error
code (
section 8.19 "Error messages" on page 63).
For statuses that require AUTOCAL, or if the device configuration is incorrect (error codes 104…106, 111…114,
211, 302, 303), the signal at the actual value output jumps back and forth at 1 Hz between the voltage value cor-
responding to the error and the end of the scale (10 VDC, i.e. 300 °C or 500 °C). If the START signal is present in
one of these states, the voltage value does not change any more.
If a ROPEX temperature meter (e.g. an ATR-x) is connected to the controller’s analog output, the temperature
indication can be directly assigned to the error codes if an alarm is signaled.
An error message can be reset by setting the RS bit or by momentarily interrupting the power to the controller
(24 VDC supply voltage).
If an error message is reset with the RS bit, it is not actually reset until the RS bit is reset.
Invalid error messages may appear when the controller is switched off owing to the undefined operating state. This
must be taken into account when they are evaluated by the higher-level controller (e.g. a PLC) in order to avoid
false alarms.
Error messages
The table below shows the meaning of the error codes. It includes a description of each error as well as the
required corrective action.
The block diagram in section 8.20 "Fault areas and causes" on page 67 helps you clear a particular error quickly
and efficiently.
Thirteen voltage levels for diagnosing errors appear at the RESISTRON
temperature controller’s actual value
output. The error messages are even more finely differentiated internally. The 3-digit error codes described below
can be displayed via the EtherNet/IP
interface or in the ROPEX visualization software (
interface for visualization software ROPEXvisual
" on page 61) to facilitate troubleshooting).
If the actual value output is evaluated in order to identify an error message – in the higher-level con-
troller, for instance – the tolerance window must be adjusted to prevent incorrect interpretations.
Please note the tolerances of the actual value output (
section 10 "Technical data" on page 69).