Device functions
Page 56
Version 2
The inputs (
section 8.5 "Input data" on page 23) are shown in the left-hand column, the outputs (
"Output data" on page 26) in the middle column, and the current status of all device LEDs (
and controls" on page 20) in the right-hand column.
Parameters / Counters page
This page shows all parameter values received by the temperature controller from the EtherNet/IP
scanner. If
the parameters have been changed using acyclic services, these changes are also indicated here.
For the meanings of the parameter data, refer to section 8.7 "Parameter object (class: 0x0F)" on page 28.
Under "Counters" you see a list of all cycle and operating hours counters, which are useful for statistical purposes.
Protocol page
You can download and display the device protocol for the temperature controller on this page. You see the overall
size of the protocol ("Total event entries") as well as the upload progress. All entries appear in the form of a table.
A timestamp (generated by the built-in clock), the operating hours and cycle counters, and the channel selected
at the time are shown for each entry.
In addition to errors, the protocol also contains entries of general interest such as "Clock set" or the AUTOCAL
function. An error code provides information on the cause of all events in the protocol. The error codes are