Rola-Chem Digital Controller PN 554212 11/22/06 Page: 9 of 16
3.3.1 Fuses
Fuses protect the controller from defective feeders. They are located
inside the enclosure. The fuse holders are shipped with 5 Amp fuses.
3.3.2 Flow Switch Terminal
The controller has a flow switch terminal shipped with a ‘jumper’ in
place. The terminal must either have the jumper or a flow switch
The flow light on the face of the controller is also indicates
the controller is connected to a live power source. If the terminal does
not have a closed circuit, the controller will not turn on.
To install a flow switch, remove the jumper and attach flow switch
leads. The jumper should be retained to assist in trouble shooting.
NOTE: It is recommended that an inline filter be used to help keep
the flow manifold (including probes) and flow switch free from
debris (see Manifold Operating Manual). Debris may obstruct flow
switch and prevent the switch from functioning.
3.3.3 Acid/Base Feed Selection:
The controller has a terminal shipped with a ‘jumper’ used to select
acid or base chemical. The jumper can be moved to change type of
feed. Factory setting is acid feed. Acid feed mode will feed chemical
when the pH reading is above the pH set point.
4.0 Operation
4.1 Startup
Do not add chemicals to the feeders until all
start-up operations are
completed. Using a DPD test kit, manually adjust and balance the pool
to acceptable ranges. Automation should be used to maintain chemical
levels, not to balance a pool that is out of acceptable ranges. With the
controller in the OFF Mode, turn the filter pump on and check for leaks
in the system and flow through the flow cell. The flow lamp will be
illuminated if the controller has power, it is connected to the flow
switch and there is adequate flow. If a flow switch is not attached, the
flow lamp will be illuminated if there is a jumper in the flow cell
terminal. It is recommended that a flow switch always be used.