Starting Operation
Getting Started 1515.7236.02 - 02
The following parameters are being measured when calibrating:
Sensitivity and zero point output of the internal Gyro
Temperature drift of the Gyro
Pulse ratio of the vehicle wheel ticks
The course calibration of the gyro and the resolution of the vehicle wheel ticks need to
be executed when doing sensor calibration.
The fine calibration of the sensor signals is an ongoing process for the whole drive.
For details please refer to the following sections and to the corresponding u-blox
documentation for the LEA-6R chipset. To get a link, please refer to section
Validity of Calibration Data
As the R&S TSMX-PPS2 is only equipped with a short time back-up buffer for this
memory (backup time ~ 3 hours).
For that reason the device will run a new calibration every time the USB power was
disconnected for longer than this period. Calibration of the senor data will be kept.
5.3.2 Providing Vehicle Sensors Data
Even better the device knows to interpret the measurement data of the used sensors,
the more precise and quicker is the calibration process. The sensitivity and offset of the
embedded gyro is already programmed at factory for that purpose.
To speed up ADR calibration and to achieve proper function the system needs to know
the parameters of the external vehicle sensors.
a) Polarity of the direction signal
This setting is mandatory and important when the sensor cable is connected.
Default setting: “1 – High=Backward”
Direction Signal Polarity
ADR positioning will not work or is incorrect if the polarity setting is erroneous.
b) Resolution of the speed pulses
Setting optional but could speed up calibration process. System is able to calculate
resolution based on the driven GPS distance.
How to enter senor data:
The sensor data is normally needed to be provided when loading
R&S TSMX-PPS2 driver. Please refer to the related ROMES documentation.
: Please refer to section
on page 33 how the enter.