Upconverter Settings
User Manual 1176.7726.02 ─ 09
Sets the state of the pulse modulator.
Remote command:
Sets the polarity of the pulse modulator signal.
The RF signal is suppressed during the pulse pause.
The RF signal is suppressed during the pulse.
Remote command:
Pulse Connector/Trigger Settings
► To access the pulse connector/trigger settings, select "SGMA-GUI > Instrument
Name > Pulse Modulation > Connector/Trigger".
Comprises the settings necessary to configure the signal at the multi-purpose
[TRIG] connector in the external trigger mode.
Trigger Connector Mode
Determines the signal at the input/output of the multi purpose [TRIG] connector.
"Signal Valid"
Output of high signal to mark valid frequency and level settings.
"Not Signal Valid "
Output of high signal to mark the transition state when frequency and
level change.
"Pulse Mod Ext Source"
Input for an externally provided pulse modulation signal
Used when an external pulse modulator source is provided at the
Remote command:
Pulse Modulation Setting