Upconverter Settings
User Manual 1176.7726.02 ─ 09
Remote command:
Gain Imbalance
Sets the imbalance of the I and Q vector (see
Chapter, "Gain and Gain Imbal-
The entry is made in dB (default) or %, where 1 dB offset is roughly 12 % according to
the following:
Imbalance [dB] = 20log ( | GainQ | / | GainI |)
Positive values mean that the Q vector is amplified more than the I vector by the corre-
sponding percentage. Negative values have the opposite effect.
Remote command:
Quadrature Offset
Sets the quadrature offset (see
Chapter, "Quadrature Offset"
Remote command:
Pulse Modulation Setting
The R&S
SGU offers pulse modulation using external pulse signals. The external pulse
signal has to be connected to the multi-purpose [TRIG] connector.
Pulse Modulation Settings
► To access the pulse modulation settings, select "SGMA-GUI > Instrument Name >
Pulse Modulation".
The "Pulse Modulation" dialog contains all parameters required to configure pulse
modulation and pulse signal generation.
Pulse Modulation Setting