CE notes about voltage fluctuations and flicker continued
Guideline chart:
The chart provided here is not a substitute for a test. It is meant only to help determine when further review of
standard EN61000-3-3 is needed. The chart does not cover every circumstance. Please note: if the machine is rated
at 120 volts, or 60 Hz, this standard does not apply.
To use this chart, determine how many amps the machine uses during its normal operation. Is the amperage over 16
amps? Determine the amperage of the vibratory feeder when the feeder bowl (or hopper) is operating at its
maximum feed rate with a full load of parts. Determine how often the vibratory feeder typically turns on and off.
Compare the amps and on/off cycles to the chart.
For multiple vibratory feeders only add their amperage together if they always start and stop at the same time.
Actual testing may prove that the number of On/Off cycles shown in the chart can nearly be doubled when the Soft
Start pot is adjusted for a one second (or longer) soft start.
Amps rms at 230V
Maximum On/Off cycles permitted
1 On/Off cycle per 6 minutes
1 On/Off cycle per 4.5 minutes
1 On/Off cycle per 3 minutes
1 On/Off cycle per 3 minutes
1 On/Off cycle per 3 minutes
1 On/Off cycle per 3 minutes
1 On/Off cycle per 1.5 minutes
1 On/Off cycle per 1 minute
1 On/Off cycle per 1 minute
1 1/3 On/Off cycles per 1 minute
2 On/Off cycles per 1 minute
6.5 On/Off cycles per 1 minute
19 On/Off cycles per 1 minute
65 On/Off cycles per 1 minute
195 On/Off cycles per 1 minute
Unlimited On/Off cycles per 1 minute
This chart is based on Rectangular voltage changes at equal intervals using the Pst=1 chart, fig. 4 of standard
EN61000-3-3. Plt = Pst x 0.65
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