Publication 6180W-UM001H-EN-P - August 2007
System Troubleshooting
Diagnostic Utility
If you followed the troubleshooting procedure and are still having
problems, use the VersaView diagnostic utility to isolate the problem.
This utility determines the cause of the malfunction by testing
computer components.
You can perform an initial diagnosis without disconnecting or moving
your computer. The process takes as little as five minutes or as long as
eight hours, depending on the problem. After the diagnostic utility has
run, you can generate a report for analysis by a technical support
representative, expediting any necessary repair process.
The diagnostic utility and documentation are on the VersaView
Support CD that is shipped with your computer. To run the diagnostic
utility, insert the Support CD into the computer’s CD-ROM drive and
restart the computer. No software is installed, nor does the utility
affect any software already installed.
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