To avoid serious injury, keep hands and fingers away from spinning router bit. Maintain
awareness of the bit at all times.
Use Interlock Signmaker’s Templates
with a
plunge router outfitted with a baseplate that can accept
the included center guide bushing and retaining ring. Use
of the templates with a fixed-base router is likely to result
in damage to the templates and workpiece, as well as
possible injury.
Always use the recommended size of router bit and guide
bushing for your template set. Failure to do so could result
in damage to the templates and workpiece, as well as
possible injury.
Always secure the templates to your workpiece and your
workpiece to the work surface. Failure to do so could
result in damage to the templates and workpiece, as
well as possible injury.
Always allow the plunge mechanism on your router to
fully retract the bit at the completion of a letter before
moving the router to the template of the next letter.
Failure to do so could result in damage to the template.