ROBBE Easy Go 3043 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 19

Easy Go


Bauanleitung, Assembly instructions, Notice de montage



Einfliegen, Flughinweise

- Für den Erstflug einen möglichst windstillen Tag aus-

suchen. Als Gelände eignet sich eine flache, freie Wiese.
Nähe von Hochspannungsleitungen, verkehrsreichen
Straßen, Ansiedlungen und Flugplätzen sowie anderen
Hindernissen meiden.

- Nochmals eine Funktionskontrolle durchführen.

- Immer den Gasknüppel in Stellung „Motor aus“ bringen,

den Sender einschalten. Erst dann den Akku  anschlie-

- Zum Ausschalten immer die Verbindung Akku - Motorreg-

ler  trennen, erst dann Empfangsanlage und den Sender

- Für den Handstart sollte ein Helfer anwesend sein, der

das Modell  in die Luft befördern kann.

- Das Modell mit laufendem Motor mit nicht zu geringem

Schub gerade und horizontal aus der Hand starten. Sofort
die Steuerung übernehmen.

- Nach dem Start den Steigflug nicht zu früh einleiten, son-

dern das Modell in flachem Horizontalflug Fahrt aufneh-
men lassen.

- Überzogene Flugzustände vermeiden.  In diesem Fall

nachdrücken und in den Horizontalflug übergehen.

- Falls erforderlich, die entsprechenden Ruder nachtrim-


- Das Flugverhalten genau beobachten. Sind Korrekturen

erforderlich, so sind diese nach der ersten Landung vor-

- Das Modell kann auch vom Boden gestartet werden. Es

eignet sich eine Hartbelagpiste.

- Vor dem ersten Bodenstart einige Rollversuche durchfüh-

ren, um sich mit dem Verhalten des Modells am Boden
vertraut zu machen.

Test flying, flying notes


Wait for a day with as little breeze as possible for the
model’s first flight, and seek out a large, flat, unobstructed
meadow for a flying site. Keep well clear of high-tension
overhead cables, busy roads, residential areas and air-
fields, and all obstacles.


Repeat the check of all the working systems.


Move the throttle stick to the „motor stopped“ position
before you switch the transmitter on, and only then con-
nect the battery. This is the standard sequence which you
should always observe.


To switch off the system always disconnect the battery
from the speed controller first, and only then switch off the
receiving system and the transmitter.


For a hand-launch you will need the assistance of a friend
who is experienced in hand-launching small models.


Start the motor and give the model a reasonably strong
launch with the wings and fuselage level. Take control of
the model the moment it leaves the launcher’s hand.


Allow the model to fly straight and level for a few seconds
to pick up speed before gently easing it into a climb. Don’t
climb too soon.


Avoid stalling the model at this stage. If it slows down too
much, apply slight down-elevator and resume level flight
to pick up more speed.


Adjust the transmitter trims if necessary.


Watch the model’s behaviour in the air very carefully. If
you need to make corrections or adjustments, carry them
out immediately the model is back on the ground.


The model can also be taken off from the ground; you will
need a smooth, hard surface for a successful take-off.


Carry out a few taxi-ing runs initially to get used to the
model’s handling on the ground.

Le premier vol, conseils de pilotage


Pour le premier vol, choisir autant que possible un jour
sans vent. Le terrain pourra être constitué d’une prairie
dégagée, sans relief. Éviter le voisinage de lignes à haute
tension, de routes encombrées, de lotissements et
d’aéroports et d’autres obstacles.


Vérifier à nouveau toutes les fonctions.


Amener systématiquement les manche des gaz en posi-
tion « moteur arrêté » avant de mettre l’émetteur en
marche. Ne raccorder l’accu qu’ensuite. 


Après une séance de vol, désolidariser toujours d’abord
l’accu du variateur avant de couper l’ensemble de récep-
tion puis le récepteur.


Pour le lancement manuel, demander l’assistance d’un
tiers qui lancera le modèle.


Lancer le modèle moteur en marche sur une trajectoire
rectiligne avec une poussée conséquente. Prendre immé-
diatement les commandes.


Après le lancement, n’entamer pas immédiatement de vol
ascensionnel  mais laisser plutôt le modèle prendre de la
vitesse en un long vol rectiligne.


Éviter tout cabrage. Dans ce cas, pousser sur le manche
de profondeur afin de reprendre une assiette normale. 


Si nécessaire, corriger au niveau du trim de la gouverne


Observer précisément le comportement en vol de l’ap-
pareil. Si des corrections s’imposent, les appliquer immé-
diatement après l’atterrissage.


Il est également possible de faire décoller le modèle du
sol. Il faut, dans ce cas, disposer d’une piste en dur.


Avant d’effectuer le premier décollage du sol, réaliser des
essais de roulage afin de vous familiariser avec le com-
portement de l’appareil au sol.

Содержание Easy Go 3043

Страница 1: ...Montage und Bedienungsanleitung Assembly and operating instructions Notice de montage et d utilisation Easy Go No 3043 ...

Страница 2: ...ter et les colles cyano acrylates entraînent une destruction du matériau Pour coller des éléments de plastique avec des pièces en styropor utiliser exclusivement de la colle époxy Pour des raisons d économie de poids appliquer la colle époxy parcimonieusement mais en la distribuant de manière homogène Les données directionnelles comme droite par exem ple sont à considérer dans le sens du vol Recom...

Страница 3: ...t remove the top backing film until this stage Kit contents No Description No off 1 Motor bulkhead 1 2 Doubler 1 3 Fuselage 1 4 Main former 1 5 Undercarriage former 2 6 Undercarriage 1 5 mm Ø 1 7 In fill former 1 8 Battery box side panel 2 9 Battery box rear panel 1 10 Battery box bottom 1 11 Servo frame 1 12 Half former 1 13 Fin 1 14 Tailplane 1 15 Horn 2 16 Tailskid 1 17 Wing 1 18 Supplementary ...

Страница 4: ...nner backplate 1 26 Front spinner backplate 1 27 Spinner cone 1 28 Self tapping screw 2 2 Ø x 9 mm 4 29 Gearbox 4 5 1 1 30 Self tapping screw 2 2 Ø x 9 mm 2 31 Spacer washer 4 x 12 x 23 5 mm 1 32 Propeller nut M8 1 33 Windscreen 1 34 Water slide decals 25 rondelle de cône d hélice 1 26 rondelle de cône d hélice 1 27 cône d hélice 1 28 vis autotaraudeuse Ø 2 2 x 9 4 29 mécanisme 4 5 1 1 30 vis auto...

Страница 5: ...Easy Go 6 Bauanleitung Assembly instructions Notice de montage 3043 No 1 2 3 4 1 2 5 5 1 2 3 4 7 6 5 5 ...

Страница 6: to the doubler Fig 2 Glue the motor bulkhead inside the fuselage 3 The motor must have about 3 of downthrust and about 3 right sidethrust when viewed from above Fig 3 Glue the undercarriage formers 5 to both sides of the half former 4 Fig 4 Glue the main undercarriage 6 and the in fill former 7 to the main former 4 Bild 1 Motorspant und Aufdoppelung miteinander verkleben Bild 2 Den Motorspant i...

Страница 7: ...Easy Go 8 Bauanleitung Assembly instructions Notice de montage 3043 No 5 6 7 8 3 10 6 8 9 11 11 8 10 R R R 12 13 S 12 14 ...

Страница 8: ...omponents carefully relative to each other and check alignment once more Glue the parts to each other and to the fuselage Fig 8 Separate the rudder from the fin 13 and the elevator from the tailplane 14 Sand the bevel S approx 30 at the hinge pivot line as shown Apply a full length strip of adhe sive tape along the hinge lines to form the hinge R there should be no visible gap Move the rudder and ...

Страница 9: ...Easy Go 10 Bauanleitung Assembly instructions Notice de montage 3043 No 9 10 11 12 15 13 14 90 15 17 16 3 X rechts 14 13 3 X links 90 ...

Страница 10: ...he fuselage and glue the parts together Check carefully that everything is square before leaving the glue to set hard Fig 11 Glue the tailskid 16 to the bottom edge of the fin Fig 12 Glue the wing to the wing saddle on the underside of the fuselage taking care to set it exactly central The dimen sions X left and X right must be identical The wing must also be at right angles to the fuselage centre...

Страница 11: ...Easy Go 12 Bauanleitung Assembly instructions Notice de montage 3043 No 13 14 15 16 22 22 23 23 18 18 19 20 21 11 11 21 19 12 ...

Страница 12: ...of cyano Fig 15 At the front connect the pushrods to the servo output arms using the same method to retain the ends Glue the guide tubes to the tail end of the fuselage and to former 12 Set the servos to centre from the transmitter and move the rudder and elevators to centre neutral This is possi ble because you can still slide the servos to and fro Hold the servos in the correct position and glue...

Страница 13: ...Easy Go 14 Bauanleitung Assembly instructions Notice de montage 3043 No 17 18 19 20 25 26 24 27 29 27 1 5 mm 29 25 27 24 26 1 5 mm 24 ...

Страница 14: ...ear from the gearbox housing fit it in the rear spinner backplate and check that the gear and backplate line up correctly Lay plastic film over a flat sur face and glue the parts together resting flat on the sur face Fig 19 Place the front spinner backplate 26 over this assembly and sand it back lightly all round until it is a snug fit inside the spinner cone 27 The spinner must be exactly central...

Страница 15: ...nnector system Système de connexion Schema scheme schéma F 28 30 25 27 Ritzel Pinion Pignon Motor Motor Moteur Unterlegscheibe 4 x 12 x 23 5 mm Washer 4 x 12 x 23 5 mm Rondelle 4 x 12 x 23 5 mm Doppelklebeband Double sided foam tape Adhésif double face Regler Speed controller Variateur Empfänger Receiver Récepteur ...

Страница 16: ...onto the motor shaft Place the spacer washer 31 on the shaft and fit the gear box housing 29 on the motor Fit the geared motor assembly into the nose bulkhead and mark the position of the fixing screw holes Drill the holes 1 5 mm Ø and fit the screws 30 to retain the motor Fig 23 Grease the internal gear generously Slide the spinner backplate gear assembly onto the shaft and secure it with the cir...

Страница 17: ...Easy Go 18 Bauanleitung Assembly instructions Notice de montage 3043 No 25 26 27 28 ca 15 mm ca 15 mm ca 40 mm ca 40 mm 33 Auswiegen Balancing Equilibrage Decorbilder Decals Autocollants ca 65 mm C G ...

Страница 18: ...n 33 to the fuselage Fig 27 Apply the waterslide decals to the model Fig 28 Balancing Mark the Centre of Gravity CG on both sides of the fuse lage Assemble the model completely ready to fly Place the flight battery in the model and pack it with foam rubber to prevent it shifting Support the model at the marked points and allow it to hang freely Ideally the model will balance level with the nose in...

Страница 19: ...small models Start the motor and give the model a reasonably strong launch with the wings and fuselage level Take control of the model the moment it leaves the launcher s hand Allow the model to fly straight and level for a few seconds to pick up speed before gently easing it into a climb Don t climb too soon Avoid stalling the model at this stage If it slows down too much apply slight down elevat...

Страница 20: ...e trims immediately if necessary Repairs If you should ever need to repair the styrofoam parts this is the procedure Expose the break completely Otherwise do not modify the broken surfaces at all Apply a thin coating of epoxy to the break push the parts back together and align them carefully Allow the glue to harden fully If you lose any part of the broken component cut a new piece from styrofoam ...

Страница 21: ...o 22 Bauanleitung Assembly instructions Notice de montage 3043 No ID Stanzteile Identification drawing for die cut parts Fig d identification des pièces estampées 15 5 25 2 8 4 26 7 1 11 12 18 9 10 5 8 18 16 ...

Страница 22: ...robbe Modellsport GmbH Co KG Metzloserstr 36 Telefon 06644 87 0 36355 Grebenhain IAA ...
