Pool Deck Installation for the Splash!
The Splash! is attached to the pool deck using any standard sleeve (round or
square anchor) commonly used for starting blocks or backstroke flag stan-
chions. We recommend a standard anchor with a 1.90 inside diameter and 6
inches of depth. The sleeve needs to be totally encapsulated in concrete.
Make sure there are no air pockets or empty space around sleeve. The opti-
mal mounting distance for the anchor is 18 inches from the pool’s edge.
However, the design of the Splash! allows it to be used with virtually any
pool gutter configuration. To insure proper installation, pool site configura-
tion worksheet is requested with each order prior to shipping so manufactur-
er can configure lift to match customer’s specifications. If unsure of proper
placement of your Splash!, contact your vendor or RehaMed directly.
Deck Anchor