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P a g e
audible chirp every
15 seconds
audible chirp every
15 seconds
constant audible
cycles with red low
UV screen
Lamp Countdown Sequence
The system counts down the number of days until a lamp change is required.
At thirty days remaining, the LED or display screen will change to a yellow caution indicator. At
seven days remaining, the system will additionally repeat an audible chirp. Past the zero day
threshold, the LED or display screen changes to solid red with a continuous buzzer.
At any point during this sequence, the audible chirp or alarm can be deferred for seven days
by holding the controller button down for a period of five seconds. The number of deferrals
used will be displayed as below. Once the deferral expires, the alarm will sound once again. The
deferral can be repeated up to three times. PLEASE NOTE: At any point after lamp expiration,
the water may be unsafe for consumption and should not be consumed without another form
of disinfection.