Installation and Commissioning
Manual TRZ 04 · EN04 · February, 1st 2017
Structure of the manual
The introduction of this manual contains two parts. In the first part general guidelines are
listed; the symbols used and structure of advices are given, but also issued is a risk
assessment. In addition, it contains guidelines for the transport and storage of the TRZ04.
The second part introduces the operation of TRZ04; there are basic standards listed;
pressure and temperature ranges are given limiting the use of the TRZ04.
The second chapter describes the use of TRZ04. It explains how a high accuracy can be
achieved, how data can be received by the encoder and tapped there. The third chapter
provides recommendations on how the current operation can be ensured. These include
the accuracy influencing flow disturbances as well as regular lubrication of the bearings of
the turbine meter.
The fourth chapter describes the marking of the TRZ04 and in the fifth the technical data of
TRZ04 are summarized. The appendix includes details to the previous chapters, a
summary of certificates and approvals.
Overview, Function and Application
The TRZ 04 and TRZ 04-K are used to measure volume flow rates of non-aggressive
gases and fuel gases, especially natural gas. Measurement of corrosive gases is only
possible with special designs. The measurement of liquids is not possible and will destroy
the device.
The TRZ 04 is a flow rate meter, which can be used for custody transfer flow rate
measurement. The TRZ 04 K, however, can only be used for operational volume flow rate
measurements. Both types measure the gas quantity, means the volume flowing through
the unit at the actual pressure and temperature. Both determine the volume flow rate at the
actual conditions. The volume flow rate of the gas flowing through the meter is indicated by
a mechanical totalizer operating in m³.
In addition, the turbine can be equipped to supply high or low frequency pulses and reed
contacts can be fitted, too. The measured number of pulses are proportional to the volume
that has passed the meter. These pulses can be further processed by
volume correctors or
remote totalizers.
The most important differences between the versions
TRZ 04 und TRZ 04-K are:
TRZ 04
Approved for custody transfer metering
Installation length: 3 x DN