Beacon 110 Rig Monitor Operator’s Manual
4 - 20 mA Signal Output Operation
The output at the 4 - 20 mA output terminals is a 4 - 20 mA signal that is proportional to the
detection range of the Rig Monitor. During normal operation, this signal tracks the gas
concentration on the LCD.
There are several circumstances where the signal output will not track the display reading but will
behave as follows:
When the Rig Monitor is in its warm-up period, the signal output will be fixed at 4 mA (zero).
If you enter Calibration Mode or Configuration Mode, the signal output will be fixed at 3.5 mA
until the Rig Monitor returns to normal operation.
If the Rig Monitor’s input power decreases below 10 volts so that the Rig Monitor is in a low
power alarm, the signal output is fixed below 2.4 mA until the low power alarm is cleared.
Under typical operating conditions, there will be no low power alarm. The 12 VDC
battery that is recommended for operation will die before the power converter
recognizes a low power condition.
If the Rig Monitor goes into a fail condition, after a 30 second delay, the signal output is fixed
below 2.4 mA until the fail alarm is cleared. During the 30 second delay, the output follows the
detector output. In the case of a downscale reading, the displayed gas reading will only go as
low as -10% of full scale but the signal output will continue to track the reading even if it’s
lower than -10% of full scale.
Viewing and Resetting Min/Max
The reset switch may be used to view and reset the minimum and maximum gas readings.
Minimum and maximum readings are reset if the instrument is turned off.
1. While the Rig Monitor is in normal operation, press and hold the reset switch button for 5
2. The display will indicate the minimum reading on the bottom display line and the maximum
reading on the top display line for about 3 seconds before indicating
3. To return to normal operation without resetting the minimum and maximum readings, do not
press the reset switch button and allow the unit to return to normal operation. It will return to
normal operation in about 5 seconds.
To reset the minimum and maximum readings, press and hold the reset switch button
while the <RESET> TO CLEAR message is on the display until the display indicates
Release the reset switch button.The unit will then return to
normal operation in about 5 seconds.