Beacon 110 Rig Monitor Operator’s Manual
Status LEDs
The Rig Monitor includes three active status LEDs that are located above the display (see Figure ).
Two LEDs, labelled RX and TX, to the right of those described below, are not active.
Fail LED
The fail LED turns on when the Rig Monitor is experiencing a fail condition. A fail
condition can be caused by a detector failure or low detector signal.
Alarm 1 LED
The alarm 1 LED is on when the Rig Monitor is experiencing an alarm 1 condition.
Alarm 2 LED
The alarm 2 LED is on when the Rig Monitor is experiencing an alarm 2 condition.
Initiates operations
Enters Configuration Mode (press with UP/YES button)
Accepts displayed parameters
Table 4: Beacon 110 Rig Monitor Control Button Functions