Thank you for purchasing a Y-Not. This product is designed to
provide all of the features you need to switch one audio signal to two
audio outputs, while being able to address the common problems
that can occur in a two-amp system. The Y-Not features a high-
quality buffer, a phase inversion switch and an isolation transformer
all in a compact package.
The Y-Not can be controlled by its front panel switches, by an
external footswitch, or by an external MIDI controller, making it
adaptable to virtually any situation.
In this revision of the Y-Not, some features have been added. The first
is MIDI controlled phase inversion on the B output. This comes in
handy if you are using two channel switching amps at the same time.
Different channel combinations will have different phase
relationships, and the ability to switch phase will insure that each
combination sounds good.
There is also now a
switch. This switch is designed to work
specifically with electric guitars that have piezo pickups. These
guitars typically send both signals over one TRS (tip-ring-sleeve)
cable. Pressing the
switch will allow the Y-Not to use both
signals, sending the tip to the A output and the ring to the B output.
With this arrangement, you can use the Y-Not to select whether your
magnetic or piezo signal is active, and send the signals to separate