Instructions for bathing
5. Instructions for bathing
Water temperatures in whirlpools are significantly higher than those
for instance of swimming pools. This is so, because it is through the
combination of heat and the movement of the water that the desired feeling
of relaxation can be achieved. However, this may cause increased pressure
on the circulation. Therefore, in order to ensure safe bathing, always observe
the following rules and follow these instructions for water maintenance.
The water temperature should be set at approximately 36° C. Higher
temperatures can cause circulatory problems and lead to fatigue - lower
temperatures of, for example 32°-33° C have an invigorating and refreshing
effect. The ideal temperature will naturally depend on the constitution of
each individual.
The higher the temperature of the water, the less time should be spent in
the water. If the water is 36° C the bathing time should be approximately
20 minutes, if the water is 38° C, no more than 10-12 minutes.
Each bath should be followed by a cool-down period of the same length of
time. This can be done either by going out into the fresh air or by taking a
swim in a cool pool.
Before entering the whirlpool, be sure to shower thoroughly. Otherwise the
high temperature of the water means that impurities in the water will have
to be treated with correspondingly high amounts of disinfectant.
The combination of sauna and whirlpool is only recommended for people
whose constitution can really tolerate it. In any event, it is important to
include a cooling off period between baths.
Never bathe after consuming alcohol, immediately after meals, with cold or
flu symptoms and in no circumstances if suffering from a heart condition.
Bath salts, oils or foams should never be used in a whirlpool. These can
cause excessive foaming or remain in the pipes and jets and pollute them.
Water temperature
Duration of baths
Taking a break
Showering before bathing
Sauna and Whirlpool
To be avoided
Bath salts, oils or foams