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Deploying Whitewater Gateways with IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager with Riverbed Whitewater disk-to-disk backup and archive gateway provide users with a flexible,
easy-to-configure and use solution that can be deployed with major cloud storage providers. The sections below provide example
configurations and setup steps needed to begin using Whitewater gateways. For further information about performance tuning
IBM TSM with Whitewater appliances, please refer to the
Whitewater Best Practices Guide for Backup Applications
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager, Riverbed Whitewater Gateway, and Cloud Storage Configuration
Diagram 2 Logical Architecture View
Pre-deployment Checklist
1. Users will need a least one server that combines the function of an IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server and Administration
Console into a single computer system. The operating system must be either Windows 2003 or Windows 2008. Memory
requirements will vary, but at minimum an IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server should have 8GB of RAM or higher. Please check
IBM’s support site and related compatibility lists where applicable.
2. Obtain server systems and related software media supported by Windows 2003 or Windows 2008 R2, IBM Tivoli Storage
Manager and Riverbed Whitewater gateway.
3. A Whitewater physical or virtual gateway needs to be online and connected to the physical network infrastructure.
4. You must procure and setup all necessary software licenses from each vendor, including Riverbed, using vendor-specific
5. Physical stacking and racking of equipment at each site. All cabling and power must be operational.
Verify that all LAN and WAN connections are functioning to and from Internet and cloud storage provider(s)
6. Set up the Windows server(s) within an existing or new created naming service such as Active Directory.