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Diagram 1 Typical Tivoli Storage Manager Network View
Riverbed Whitewater Cloud Storage Gateway Overview
Figure 1 Whitewater gateway
The Riverbed Whitewater gateway is a disk-to-disk backup and archive storage gateway with unique cloud storage capabilities.
Whitewater gateways easily integrate into your existing backup infrastructure and cloud storage. All of the standard backup
applications allow you to add a Whitewater gateway as a common target within its existing infrastructure. The backup server
connects to the Whitewater gateway using standard CIFS or NFS protocols. When you backup to a Whitewater device, it performs
byte-level inline deduplication of the backup data to minimize storage consumption and transmission times. Whitewater gateways
also use their local disk cache for local storage and recovery of recent backups, providing LAN performance for the most likely
restores. The Whitewater gateway then writes the deduplicated backup data to cloud storage, and also accelerate restores from
the cloud by moving only deduplicated data over the WAN. The gateway management console enables you to manage all of this
through a web browser interface.