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Associate Backups to the New Primary Storage Pool
Once the storage pool is created, TSM must be configured to send data to the storage pool. In method 1, a policy domain can be
updated to send data to that storage pool. In method 2, an existing storage pool can be associated to send data to the Whitewater
storage pool as the next pool in the storage hierarchy.
NOTE: Perform the following ONLY if you create a primary storage pool in step 2 above. If you create a copy storage
pool, then skip this section.
Method 1: Associate a Policy Domain to the new Primary Storage Pool
A policy domain describes how storage and management of backup data within a Tivoli Storage Manager server is performed.
Policies are rules that you set at the Tivoli Storage Manager server to help you manage the client data lifecycle. Policies control
how and when client data is stored, and where that data resides within the TSM storage devices.
Note: It is not generally recommended to set the Whitewater gateway as the direct destination for TSM backup policies,
due to the sequentially designed nature of Whitewater appliances, and the additional network requirements to perform
backups to TSM and data movement to Whitewater simultaneously.
1. Use the Policy Domains panel and select the radio button for the Tivoli Storage Manager server you wish to work with. Then
click on the
Select Action
drop down menu and select
View Policy Domains
, as shown in Figure 16.
Figure 16 View Policy Domains Drop Down
2. Select the radio button for the policy domain you wish to work with. Then click on the
Select Action
drop down menu and
Modify Policy Domain
, as shown in Figure 17.
Figure 17 Modify Policy Domain Drop Down