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Appendix D. Disaster Recovery (DR) Procedures
Disaster recovery is the process of recovering the technology infrastructure after a natural or man-made disaster.
Diagram 3 Disaster Recovery - Functional Architecture View
For example, consider a TSM DR scenario with Riverbed Whitewater where the entire Production Site, including the Whitewater
and the TSM server, are lost. However, at least one or more backups of that production environment exist in the cloud storage. To
recover the data at the DR Site you need a new TSM server and a new physical or virtual Whitewater gateway (Diagram 3).
: You do not need a Whitewater license to restore the data. Moreover, the virtual Whitewater appliance can be downloaded
from the Riverbed Support site at
Pre-Disaster Recovery Checklist
1. Export the current Whitewater Configuration and Encryption Key.
Browse to the menu
Setup Wizard
(Figure 39) and select Export Configuration to export the configuration
file. By default the naming of the file will be whitewater_config_(HOSTNAME)_(DATETIME).tgz.
Figure 39 Setup Wizard to Export Configuration and Encryption Key
: Riverbed recommends that you store the exported configuration file in different physical locations. You should also keep the
configuration file within the DR Site.