Sensitivity setting of the accelerometer
PV-57I (Supplied accessory)
Usually it is not necessary to change the “Sensor Selection” since the default condition is set to PV-57I.
Press the MENU key, and go into the submenu [Analog Input] from the Menu List. Then check that “Sensor
Selection” is set to “PV-57I”. If it is set to “Other”, change it to “PV-57I”.
Other accelerometers than PV-57I (Optional accessory)
When the amplitude of vibration is too small or too large, or the frequency is too high, the PV-57I cannot
measure them. In that case an accelerometer suitable for the vibration characteristic should be chosen.
Press the MENU key, and go into the submenu [Analog Input] from the Menu List. Then change the
“Sensor Selection” to “Others”. Also set the “Sensitivity” to the sensitivity value given on the calibration
chart of the selected accelerometer.
Sensor selection
Sensor selection