6.3 Data transfer to a computer via USB
Connection between VA-12 and a computer
Turn on the power supply of VA-12. Connect the USB connector of VA-12 and a computer with a USB cable.
Referring to data folders on SD card by a computer
A computer recognizes the SD card in VA-12 as a removable disk. All stored files exist in the “VA-12” folder.
The folders “MAN_****” include measured data files. “****” means 4 digits number. The folder name
“MAN_****” is same as the “Store Name” set in the submenu [Measurement]. The “SCREENSHOT” folder
includes BMP files.
The SD card in VA-12 is
recognized as a Removable Disk
The VA-12 folder
includes all data files.
These folders include
measured data files.
This folder includes BMP
USB connecter