N-BW2 Networker Bridge (WIFI)
Issue 1.3 Page 15 of 48
4.1 Sequence Numbering
The N-BW2 continually transmits the state of the Networker system at one second intervals. When a command is
issued by the client application there is no acknowledgement by the N-BW2 that it has received this command by
virtue of this continual status reporting. To overcome this a sequence number is used to indicate when a command
has been received by the N-BW2.
Before the client application issues a command it should get the current value of the sequence number, increment
it (if 255, wrap around to 0) then use this incremented value in the command packet. The N-BW2, on receiving
this command packet will use this sequence number in the next status packet it issues, the client application using
this to determine when the command packet has been received by the N-BW2. The flow chart in FLC 4.1a
illustrates this.
FLC 4.1a: Networker System Access Sequence Numbering