© 2006 RIGOL Technologies, Inc
User’s Guide for DG2000 Series
Chinese Input
The Chinese Input Interface is shown in figure 2-74. To save a new file, follow the
steps below:
Figure 2-74 The Chinese Input Interface
Press Lang
CN , enter the Chinese Input Interface.
Press “ +/- ”to choose the lowercase, and input the spell of the Chinese.
Input the file name : “
Use the Knob to adjust the cursor to the right character, and press Select ,
input “Xin”. In the Input Menu, choose the Chinese character you need with
the help of the page controller and the 1~9 button on the keypad.
Edit the wrongly input
When a file name is wrong, move the cursor to the character and press
Remove to delete it and reenter the file name.
Press Store to finish and save the file.
The length of file name user can edit is up to 25 characters or 11 Chinese
characters (The file can be stored in U-disk or non- volatile memories, but the length of
file name has the limit). The length limit in non-volatile memories is 12 characters or 6
Chinese characters; the limit in U-disk is 39 characters or 19 Chinese characters.
If surpass the length limit, N/A is shown.
Key Pad
Input menu
File Name Input
Page Controller