The Five Types of OMR Sheets
This section describes each of the five types of OMR Sheet and how to mark
them. (Using Function 54, print a sample of each OMR Sheet for your reference
while you are studying this section.)
Procedures for use are on page 174 and the pages following that.
User Parameter Program Sheet
You can use this sheet to change the settings of the User Parameters. Each
parameter is listed, along with each possible setting.
An asterisk next to a setting indicates that this is the factory setting.
To see the current settings, print the User Parameter List (Function 91, page
To use the User Parameter Program Sheet, mark each setting that you wish to
make. For example, to switch Restricted Access on, first look for Restricted
Access on the sheet, then black out the box above "
You might find this sheet more easy to understand than the eight-digit User
Parameter Switches described on page 10 and the pages following that.
Quick/Speed Dial Program Sheet
You can use this sheet to program Quick Dial and Speed Dial numbers. However,
you can only program one telephone number with each OMR Sheet.
1. At the top of the sheet, mark up either QUICK or SPEED.
2. Mark up the Quick or Speed Dial number that you wish to store. You must
mark a Hundreds Digit, a Tens Digit, and a Units Digit.
Example: To program Speed Dial Code 25, mark up the first few lines of the
OMR Sheet as follows.