By filtering the curvature data, in accordance with standardised wavelength ranges as
shown in the table below, curvature bands Ka
Ke, Ksw - Klw are then used to
represent the SD (sigma) of surface curvatures for each wavelength range.
As an overall rating, Total curvature (K), is used to represent the SD (sigma) of
curvatures falling within the range 0.1
30.0mm. As a totally flat surface would have
no variation in curvature, higher curvature values indicate that there are more
structures present on the surface at that particular wavelength range.
To correlate to the industry accepted Waviness scale regular equations are then
applied to the filtered curvature data to produce a texture (T) scaling.
For this scale total texture (T), is used to represent the SD (sigma) of surface textures
with the seven additional texture bands Ta
Te, TS - TL used to represent the SD
(sigma) of correlated surface textures Wa
We, WS
This correlation provides a best fit translation from the dimensionless, single or
multiple scan waviness scale to a dimensioned, full field, texture scale