3 About the Optimap
The technology
PSD is an advanced portable handheld instrument capable of performing
fast, full field 3D surface measurements.
Using an optical measurement technique known as Phase Stepped Deflectometry
(PSD) it objectively measures and characterises many aspects of surface quality
including texture, waviness and local defects including orange peel, inclusions, dents,
and scratches.
The instrument has a large area of measurement (
65 mm x 54 mm
) allowing the
instrument to analyse larger structure sizes that are visible from longer distances.
A lateral resolution of 37µm and fixed reference plane also allows the device to detect
surface defects that are invisible to the naked eye.
Optimap requires no movement over the surface as all measurements are made
optically therefore preventing any damage during operation. Although surface contact
is needed, the devices measurement port is rubberised to protect it during operation.
Measurement results are displayed in graphical, image map and numeric format
according to the measurement scale selected.
A wide range of surface finishes can be measured from low gloss (2.0GU@60°) to
mirror finish allowing the complete characterisation of manufacturing processes from
machining, moulding, and forming, through to surface preparation and final coating.
Further technical information about PSD can be found later in this manual.
4 Accessories
The instrument is supplied as a standard package complete with all accessories
needed to calibrate and recharge the unit including: -
PSD Instrument
Calibration tile
Check tile
Mains charger
SD card with software and manual.
Protective instrument carry case