Rh eo n i k M esst ech n i k
RE V . L O ct o b er 2014
RHEONIK Coriolis Flowmeter
Operation Manual RHE 07, 08, 11
19 Digital inputs and outputs Frequency output
Please select on of the following two modes:
Mode 1:
Pulse Output
If you choose
FreqOut = Pulse
the next display will show the current number of pulses per
volumetric or mass units. If you wish to change this output value, you can enter the
number of pulses per unit by using the + or - push-buttons
(i.e. 1, 10, 100... pulses/g, kg or t).
Mode2: Frequency Output
In this mode, it is possible to set the frequency with a flow rate, which corresponds to a
frequency of 5 kHz. The numerical value of the flow rate with a corresponding frequency
of 5 kHz can be changed by using the + and - keys. The complete output frequency
range is
0 to 10 kHz
The frequency output is available from a passive opto isolated open collector driver. For
wiring see attached RHM/RHE wiring diagram.
Opt ocoupler
DC v olt age-
sour ce
m ax . 24 VDC
r esist or
equipm ent
No t e:
The open collector output withstand up to 50 mA of current.
For a good signal shape and optimal high and low levels we recommend a current of
approx. 10mA.
Typical supply voltages are 5 – 24 VDC.