The default operating mode of the SNAP is the TCP/IP mode. In this mode, the command line
prompt is
If the command prompt is
, it is an indication the SNAP is in the PPP mode
of operation. To change to TCP/IP mode, at the prompt type:
sys mode tcp<CR>
After the post-reset self-test, the command line prompt will change to
If a telnet session is
being used to communicate with the SNAP, it will be necessary to close and reopen the session.
The TCP/IP mode is designed to allow the remotes communicating with the SNAP to appear as
Ethernet devices when in fact, they are serial devices transmitting and receiving unformatted
data. The SNAP can function as a client device or a server device. When functioning as a client
device, the IP address of the server running the host application is entered into the SNAP. The
remote devices can be addressed as individual IP addresses or as ports on a single IP address.
Client Mode
Although the SNAP in TCP/IP mode can be set up to act as a server to a client workstation on
the network, the typical use will have the SNAP (and the connected remotes) as the client to an
application running on a server. The SNAP operates as a client device once a server IP address
and port number have been entered. If no server IP address is entered into the SNAP, the SNAP
will default to assume the role of the server. Enter the server IP address and port number by
typing at the TCP> prompt:
tcp server add <ipaddr> <port><CR>
is the IP address and
is the port number of the desired server. Two server IP
addresses may be entered. Information on the server IP addresses is displayed by typing:
tcp server list<CR>
To remove a server IP address, type:
tcp server delete <ipaddr><CR>
is the IP address of the server to be deleted. If all server IP addresses are deleted,
the SNAP will enter server mode.
It is possible to designate servers using domain names rather than IP addresses if a DNS server is
present. Before adding or deleting servers by domain name, the IP address of the DNS server
must be entered into the SNAP. Two DNS servers can be specified. Enter a DNS server IP
address by typing:
dns [0:1] <ipaddr><CR>
Where 0 and 1 identify the first and second DNS servers to be used and
is the
corresponding IP address of the DNS server. In this mode, servers are added and deleted by
using the domain name in place of the IP address in the
tcp server add
tcp server
When a remote device registers with the SNAP, the SNAP will open a socket with the server
using the IP address or port number assigned to the remote. As data is received from the remote
2000- 2004 Cirronet
M-2411-0012 Rev -