Position a 48" wide wall frame against a 72" wall frame as shown below. Nail frames
together with 10d sinkers.
Square wall frame. Measure diagonally (corner to corner). The measurements will be the
same when the wall is square.
Select siding panels that are 79-1/2" in length for the back wall and the front wall.
When installed, the siding will extend 3/4" below the bottom plate and 3-3/4" above
the top plate. Cut siding flush with the bottom plate if installing the building on a
cement slab.
Step 6A Assemble 10' Long Back Walls
Select a 24" wide panel, with the 'tongue' edge, and install this panel with the 'cut' edge'
flush with the end of the wall and extending 3/4" below the bottom plate.
Install (2) two more siding panels.
Siding Extends 3/4" Below Plate
LAP Edge
Repeat to assemble another 10' long wall frame, do not apply siding.
Cut Edge
Tongue Edge
72" Wall Plate
48" Wall Plate