Before heating
The pool must be filled to 5 cm above the uppermost stove feed through before you start
heating. If the stove heating is started, and the stove’s water container is not full of water, the
stove will melt and may cause serious injuries in the worst case.
Ensure that the pool is empty, and the bottom valve and/or plug are closed before you start
Also make sure that the water circulation in the stove has not been blocked or closed before you
start heating.
Check that the attachment points between the stove and pool are not leaking. If you detect a
leak, the connections must be tightened enough to stop it.
Please note! The use of a wood stove takes practice and the right heating method to achieve the best
General instructions for heating a wood stove:
Do not use lighter fluid to ignite the wood
The wood to be burned should preferably be in small pieces
Do not use wood containing nails or construction waste in the stove. The aluminium stove does
not tolerate hot metal objects, and they will damage the stove
Adjust the air-flow with controls so that it is continuously strong
When heating cold water and a new stove, some water may come out of the front corners. This
is condensation water, and it will stop when the stove has been used a few times.
Mix the water in the pool during heating to achieve an even temperature.
Draining the wood stove and pool
Empty both the pool and stove of water.
Open the stove’s drainage plug at its front corner, and open the pool’s drainage valve and plug.
The stove’s fire must be extinguished and cooled down before drainage to avoid dangerous
situations and damage.
The cover of the pool should be left slightly open to avoid a vacuum in the pool.
If the stove is stored in freezing temperatures, make sure that all the water has been drained
from both the stove and hoses.
The fireplace of the stove must be cleaned after use. For cleaning, use products appropriate for
cleaning heated surfaces, such as oven cleaning agents or similar cleaning products.
Maintenance of the wood stove
The water jacket of the stove must be cleaned regularly to remove eventual accumulated dirt. The
water jacket can be cleaned using the stove’s upper feed through by flushing with a water hose, for
The stove’s smoke pipes must be sooted on a regular basis, ca. 2 to 3 times each year.
The grates used in the stove get worn down in use, and they must be changed. Check the condition
of the grates before heating. If you want to buy a new grate for the stove as an accessory, you can find
up-to-date contact information at www.rexener.com.