When the humidifier and air tubing are dry, you can reassemble the parts.
Connect the air tubing firmly to the air outlet located on the rear of the device.
Open the humidifier and fill it with room temperature water up to the maximum water level
Close the humidifier and insert it into the side of the device.
Connect the free end of the air tubing firmly onto the nasal cannula.
Therapy data
Your Lumis HFT device records your therapy data for you and your care provider so they can view
and make changes to your therapy if required. The data is recorded and then transferred to your care
provider wirelessly, if a wireless network is available, or via an SD card.
Data transmission
Your Lumis HFT device has the capability of wireless communication so that your therapy data can
be transmitted to your care provider to improve the quality of your treatment. This is an optional
feature that will only be available if you choose to benefit from it and if a wireless network is
available. It also allows your care provider to update your therapy settings in a more timely manner
or upgrade your device software to ensure you receive the best therapy possible.
The data is usually transmitted after therapy has stopped. In order to make sure that your data is
transferred, leave your device connected to the mains power at all times and make sure that it is not
in Airplane Mode.
Therapy data might not be transmitted if you use it outside of the country or region of purchase.
Wireless communication depends on network availability.
Devices with wireless communication might not be available in all regions.
SD card
An alternative way for your therapy data to be transferred to your care provider is via the SD card.
Your care provider may ask you to send the SD card by mail or to bring it in. When instructed by
your care provider, remove the SD card.
Do not remove the SD card from the device when the SD light is flashing because data is being
written to the card.
To remove the SD card:
Open the SD card cover.
Push in the SD card to release it. Remove the SD card from the device.
Place the SD card in the protective folder and send it back to your care provider.