E30A Emulator User
’s Manual
3. Starting Up the Emulator Debugger
R20UT0422EJ0501 Rev.5.01
Page 33 of 65
Mar 15, 2016
(3) Debug the program rewriting internal flash memory.
Select this check box when you want to debug a program in CPU rewrite mode. In this mode, software breaks in the
internal ROM area of the MCU cannot be used.
(4) Use ECC for E2 Data Flash
Select this check box when you want to use ECC for E2 Data Flash.
(5) Work Area For Monitor Program
Specify the start address of the internal RAM area of the MCU to be used by the debug monitor program.
Approximately 1.2 KB of the internal RAM will be used as needed, for example, to download a user program. Since the
memory contents are saved before debugging starts, you do not need to be specifically concerned, except that the following
cannot be specified.
- Areas overlapping the interrupt stack
Areas which overlap with the interrupt stack to be used in the user program cannot be specified. Also, the address 0400h
cannot be specified since it is used as a temporary stack by the emulator after reset is released.
In the case of the 63 KB internal RAM (0400h-FFFFh), 0500h/0600h … FA00h/FB00h can be specified.
In the case of the 32 KB internal RAM (0400h-83FFh), 0500h/0600h … 7E00h/7F00h can be specified.
- Areas to or from which DMA-transferred
Note on Debugging in CPU Rewrite Mode:
Do not stop the user program during debugging in CPU rewrite mode. Otherwise, the emulator will be
out of control. Furthermore, before executing a user program, be sure to disable automatic updating of
the windows to ensure that no memory accesses will occur during execution of the user program. To
inspect data after CPU rewrite operation, stop the program after exiting CPU rewrite mode and inspect
the data in the memory window or another appropriate window.