7 Commissioning
7.1 Checklist before commissioning
7.1.1 Hydraulic circuits
1. Check visually the tightness of all connections in the domestic water
circuit of the system.
2. Check visually the tightness of all connections in the heating water
circuit of the system.
7.1.2 Electrical connections
1. Check that the sensors are correctly fitted and connected.
2. Check the electrical connections, particularly the earthing.
3. Be careful to put the front panel correctly back in place.
7.2 Commissioning procedure
Initial commissioning must be done by a qualified professional.
During the heating process, a certain amount of water may es
cape via the safety valve or unit because of the expansion of the
water. This phenomenon is perfectly normal and must in no cir
cumstances be hindered.
Have the domestic hot water tank commissioned at the same time
as the boiler.
Boiler installation and maintenance manual.
7.2.1 Commissioning the domestic hot water tank
Once the domestic hot water tank has been connected to the boil
er, the system is managed from the boiler control panel and no ac
tion need be taken directly on the domestic hot water tank itself.
1. Set the domestic hot water temperature on the boiler.
2. Set the thermostatic mixer valve to the maximum of 65°C.
The thermostatic mixer valve is not supplied.
Thermostatic mixer valve instruction manual.
3. Check the safety devices (safety valve or unit), referring to the in
struction manuals provided with those components.
The outlet pipe in the safety valve or unit must not be blocked.
Boiler installation and service manual.
7 Commissioning
EL 110 SL
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