Reebok Fitness RB Bike Series – PowerBike
Customer Services
As a manufacturer, we are committed to providing complete customer satisfaction. If you have
any questions, or if parts are missing or damaged, we will guarantee complete satisfaction
through direct assistance from our factory.
To avoid unnecessary delays, please call our
Technical Support Team direct on 0870 330 0024
The trained technicians on our Technical Support line will provide immediate assistance free
of charge.
UK Customer Services:
01908 512244
UK Technical Support:
0870 330 0024
UK Technical Support e-mail:
UK Customer Services address:
RFE International Ltd, DFDS House
Milton Keynes MK10 OAJ
UK Customer Services e-mail
Model No.
Serial Number:
(Make a note of this here)
Production Date:
(Make a note of this here)
[The above information can be found on the Data Sticker on the inner face of the Rear Stabiliser.]
Issue 1 – August 2004