Rudder Servo and Pull-Pull
•Prepare the rudder servo by installing the
grommets and inserts.
•Drop the servo into place and drill for the
servo screws
with a 1/16”
drill bit.
•Remove the
servo and
thread a
servo screw in and out of each hole. Then apply
2 drops of thin CA to each and allow the CA to
soak in and fully cure.
•Install the servo with the output to the front of
the fuselage
and center
using the
•The pull-pull cables are pre-installed by the
factory with the crimp sleeves left loose. Install
the ball links to the threaded pull-pull ends for
both the servo and the control horn.
Make sure the ball link is threaded in the
center of the adjustment range (about ¾ of the
thread) to allow even adjustment.
• Secure the servo end of the cables first and
install to the servo horn to the servo.