User Manual
Proprietary Redline Communications © 2010
Page 31 of 50 September 20, 2010
3.7 Software Screen
Use this screen to view information about the software files loaded on the RDL-2000.
The RDL-2000 contains non-volatile RAM storage for two versions of system software.
The active software banks (versions loaded at power-up/reboot) are highlighted in
yellow. The designation „N/A‟ in the bank‟s field indicates that no (valid) software is
loaded in that bank. Both banks may contain the same version of RDL-2000 software.
Use the Firmware screen to upload new software and to change the selected active
software bank.
Figure 20
Link Mgr - Software Screen
: Identifies the memory bank where the binary file is saved.
Boot Loader
: General program to validate and load the RDL-2000 system-specific
software at power-up/reboot.
Firmware Bank 1
: First memory bank for software file (SW1 in Firmware screen).
Firmware Bank 1
: Second memory bank for software file (SW2 in Firmware screen).
Size (bytes)
: The size of the file.
: The software version of the stored file.
: The date the file was created.
: The time the file was created.
: The checksum (hex) for the file.
PCB Version
: The version number of the printed circuit board.
PCA Version
: The version number of the hardware assembly.