NOTE: The VTR switch on the lens is mapped to Record: Toggle by default. The VTR switch can be mapped to another
NOTE: Fujinon lenses running older versions of lens firmware might not send correct data to the camera.
The following Fujinon
T2.9 Cabrio Premier PL lenses are compatible with all camera PL mounts, but must be powered
externally and configured a specific way:
Fujinon 14-35mm T2.9 Cabrio Premier PL
Fujinon 19-90mm T2.9 Cabrio Premier PL
To set up the Fujinon T2.9 Cabrio Premier PL lenses, follow the instructions below. Refer to the manufacturer’s operation
manual for detailed information about setting up and using the lens.
1. Attach the lens to the camera PL mount.
2. Ensure that the lens has lens firmware v6.4 or later (to check version in the camera, go to Menu > Settings > Setup
> Lens > Lens Info). Contact the manufacturer for lens firmware.
3. On the lens, set the Camera Communication switch to On.
4. On the lens, set the LDS, /i Select switch to Off.
5. Connect an external power source to the lens.
6. In the camera, to Menu > Settings > Setup > Lens.
7. Deselect the Enable Power to Lens check box.
NOTE: This option is only available when a camera PL mount is attached to the camera.
8. The lens should be successfully connected. However, if lens data does not display within 10 seconds, go to Menu >
Settings > Setup > Lens and select Detect Lens.
The following Canon PL mount lenses are compatible with all camera PL mounts, but must be configured a specific way:
Canon CN7x17 KAS S Cine-Servo 17-120mm T2.95
Canon CN20x50 IAS H Cine-Servo 50-1000mm
Requirements for using these Canon PL mount lenses:
The lens requires lens firmware v6.4 or later; contact the manufacturer for lens firmware.
In the camera, go to Menu > Settings > Setup > Lens, and select the Enable Power to Lens check box.
RED recommends using an external battery for the lens, since the lens mount provides a limited supply of power to
the lens.
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