4” Standard Pump Installation, Operation & Service Manual
Removing the Pump
17. Swing the electrical connector into position.
18. Torque the electrical connector bolt to 25 – 50 ft-lb (34 – 68 N•m).
19. Torque the conduit box bolts to 30 – 45 ft-lb (40 – 61 N•m).
NOTE: suggested tools (non-sparking) include a 3/4'' wrench, pipe wrench, 1/4” Allen wrench, 9/16” wrench,
screw driver, wire cutter and wire stripper.
20. If applicable, open ball valve down line from the pump.
21. After the installation is completed and tests have been made, purge system of air by pumping at least 15
gallons (57 liters) through each dispenser. Begin with the dispenser furthest from the pump and work toward
the pump.