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CL4000PRO User’s Manual
Reach CL4000PRO Server is the 2
generation product design concept based on the REX platform and incorporates
a modular interface to directly input virtually any format video signal and record and stream this content. The
CL4000PRO features:
Foreground management provides users with various live streaming and VOD resources, as well access to the
Reach player software. Users can view content directly from the web interface, however, due to the limitations
of HTML5 and Flash, only 3 encoded sources may be viewed. It is not recommended to download the Reach
Player to view all content being recorded and streamed in a given session.
Users can view the public live streaming and VOD resources without logging into the CL4000PRO. When a user
logs in to CL400PRO they can not only view public content, but also content that has been permissioned to a
user. The background management provides users with various functions such as configuration, management
and maintenance.
Users with appropriate permissions can
Create and manage meetings.
Categorize meetings.
Manage and maintain users and user groups.
Configure system parameters, and manage warnings & logs.
The CL4000PRO makes it possible to capture and record any mix of SD, HD, as well as VGA signals in high
resolution and high frame rates.
Supports synchronized and combined recording, live streaming and VOD playing of video signals, audio signals
as well as PC dynamic screen signals.
Supports Browser/Server access architecture; supports access and management of device across operating
systems and multiple browsers.