Nudging the Target Rate
You can adjust the application rate up to 50% above or below the target rate
whilst in work.
Press the or button to nudge the rate up or down by a pre-
programmed % (5% by default).
The bar on the left side of the display indicates when you are above or below
the target rate e.g.,
Similarly, use the or to return to the target rate.
When nudged above or below the target rate the application rate display will
flash, alternating between the application rate and the the % nudge e.g, if a
target rate of 500 kg/ha is nudged minus 5%, the display will then alternate
between ‘
’ (kg/ha) and ‘
The instrument will also beep every 30 seconds reminding that you are still
applying above or below the target rate
Work Monitoring (without Rate Control)
On the basic system without PWM (Pulse Width Modulated) rate control, this
channel is simply programmed with the application rate that you intend
applying at, so that the instrument can calculate and display the hopper
contents correctly.
-5% below target
At target
+5% above target